Getting started with ledger hardware wallet Application setup

The crypto traders worry only about one thing and that is the safety of their digital assets. Many of the software wallets claim to have the best security and maybe it is true but nothing can beat the protection provided by the hardware wallets to the funds stored in it. And the best hardware wallet that you could use is the Ledger wallet.

In the further sections of the write-up, you will get the full details of this ledger hardware wallet use.

Pros of Ledger

How to get started with Ledger?

Before you start with the crypto assets dealing, you have to undergo the process of wallet setup and it can only be executed if you the guide that is given below to provide you with the much-needed assistance if this is your first hardware wallet account.

  1. While taking out the Ledger device from its box, you will see a USB cable. Take out the cable as well.
  2. Then plug it into the ledger device and your PC.
  3. Switch on the device by pressing both the buttons given on the device.
  4. Then a link would be given on the wallet screen, open the same link on your computer screen.
  5. You will now be prompted to install the Ledger Live Wallet application on the computer you are currently operating on.
  6. Then open the same application and press ‘Set up as a new device’.
  7. Disconnect and reconnect both of the devices with each other again.
  8. Set up a Wallet PIN.
  9. Enable the fingerprint sensor also.
  10. In the final step, keep the Secret Recovery Phrase as shown on the wallet.

Wallet login procedure

Once you have been registered on the wallet platform you will have to log in to your account to access your crypto assets stored in it. After that, you can start dealing with your assets. The way to log is described further:

  1. For login, connect the device exactly like the way you have done at the time of set up.
  2. Then open the Ledger Live wallet application installed.
  3. Enter the account PIN.
  4. Then match the fingerprint for unlocking the last security layer given to the account.

You now have full access to your funds that could be used in any manner you want.

Wrapping it Up!

As the final thoughts, all we have to say is that you should give this wallet a try if spending a little money is not much concern for you. We hope that our review of the Ledger Live wallet has provided you with enough information for you to get started with the wallet

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